Friday, October 8, 2010

The Nuisance

I have discovered that a 3 month old kitten is interested in everything. Everything in your home becomes a game or a toy. There is no exception. There are several things that I can get over relatively easily because they are also funny. There are a lot of other things that I will not ever really enjoy. This is a list of BOTH.

1. Pulling the toilet paper off the roll and trailing it down the hallway while running away from me.
2. Getting comfortable on my pillow to eventually work my head completely off of it.
3. Waiting to place herself between Curtis and I on the bed until we are asleep then biting my ear when I roll on top of her in my sleep.
4. Walking on the printer and making copies while we are not home. 
5. Chewing on the cord to anything plugged in that she can reach.
6. Basically any kind of biting or chewing on any part of my body.
7. Attacking my fingers when I am typing. 
8. Going behind the dryer over and over again and still being surprised when she gets stuck and needs help getting out.
9. Any kind of biting or chewing on bills, homework, or important student loan papers. ( I swear the most important papers must be the most fun to rip up)
10. 5 AM "LET'S PLAY!!!!" wake up calls.

I know there are A LOT more but I think I will give her a little slack and leave them out. If she wasn't so cute,  I would have definitely cut my loses ( in paper) a lot sooner. Like the first week. Lila is obnoxious. I was going to add a but there and make that into something nice about her but she bit my ankle earlier and I haven't quite forgiven her for that one yet. So that is why she is the nuisance.

1 comment:

  1. i love her. i'm so excited to meet her tomorrow! it's going to be so much fun!!!

    i love you!!
