Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Cutest Baby Alive

I am sure that some might argue that I have a bias opinion on the matter but I don't. My baby is the cutest baby ever. He is perfect and adorable and my world revolves around him. Here are some pictures to prove it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Buddha Belly

Having a baby has ruined my body. I have become fed up with the Buddha belly and I am going to do something about it! Now normally my motivations stops the day after a hard work out. I am the queen of excuses for not working out. This time I am determined to get a good work out in at least 4 times a week. Today I walked 3 miles and I plan on starting to add some jogging to that when I get some new running shoes this week. So hopefully I will be able to get in good enough shape to do Ragnar next year!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Work in Progress

As before mentioned, we are in the progress of making the basement feel more like home. I was so excited to have walls that weren't what I like to call "Apartment White." Most of the walls are "grey." This needs quotation marks because we accidentally picked a color that turned out looking blue (oops!) Because that color is so pale, we wanted to have a bold wall.

We went with Mélange Green. It looks a lot brighter on the wall.

I even found a cool frame to put on the wall at Ikea! I am excited to see how it all looks when its done!

The Other State

Curtis, Coen, Lila and I made the trip to Colorado two months ago. That's right. We moved! I am missing my good friends and my babies (Rylee and Avaree) but it has been a good thing for us. My mom painted the basement and I am excited to get to do some decorating and make it feel like home. Coen's nursery is a little plain right now and I want to liven it up so badly! I just need to pick a paint color for the walls and possibly a theme. I'll post pictures as I get ideas. If anybody has suggestions let me know!

The Blog Slacker

I realized today that I have not been online to update this blog in OVER A YEAR!
At this point, the people who read said blog either think I am dead, or know I am busy and scatter brained. So to update you all, I had a....BABY!!!! He is cute and perfect and 4 months old. Really almost 5 months but I am trying to force him to stay my baby and stop getting bigger all the time. I will have to post some pictures. His name is Coen and I LOVE HIM!